Ctrl+s causes whole bundle to save not individual file

Issue #391 resolved
jrattanpal created an issue

When I updated IDE this morning, I was able to save each file individually by clicking save (or so I thought). But now, when I click save (ctrl+s) in individual file, it saves entire bundle.

I thought there was a change which will save individual file but not sure if this was implemented or I just imagined.


Comments (10)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Can you send over an idea.log of one of these deployments? I'd like to see which deployment path it's using and why. Thanks!

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Thanks. It looks like there may be some portion of the log missing from the section you provided. I'm looking in particular for debug logging from ForceComBuilder where it's looking at what's been requested for deployment and trying to determine whether to use the Tooling API or the Metadata API. Some of the expected log entries might look like:

    Connection is for a production org. The Metadata API will be used regardless of Tooling API preferences. Checking whether this is a single item static resource or Lightning bundle file deployment using the Tooling API. Deploying single Lightning bundle file <path> using the Tooling API.

    Would you mind seeing if there's anything else in the log for this? Also, can you confirm that you're configured to use the Tooling API for Lightning? Look under Settings>Illuminated Cloud>Validation and Deployment and make sure that the checkboxes under Prefer Tooling API for are checked.

    I need to step away for a few hours but will take a look at whatever you've sent when I return.

  3. jrattanpal reporter

    Yes, Tooling API is checked.

    I am attaching new file and I do see following in there.

    2016-09-07 16:39:04,709 [15864427] DEBUG - er.ForceComMetadataApiDeployer - Using the metadata API to deploy the following files for module TE Recruiting App: { Calendar.auradoc, Calendar.cmp, Calendar.css, Calendar.design, CalendarController.js, CalendarHelper.js, CalendarRenderer.js }.

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    Ah, here it is:

    2016-09-07 16:39:04,561 [15864279]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder - Connection is for a production org. The Metadata API will be used regardless of Tooling API preferences. 

    If the org isn't a sandbox and isn't developer edition, the metadata API will be used unconditionally. Can you tell me more about the org type? Perhaps I'm being overly restrictive when making that decision?

  5. Scott Wells repo owner

    That's definitely the reason it's using the metadata API instead of the tooling API. Let me verify the conditions I've set on which org types support the tooling API. If other org types support it, I'll loosen the constraints. For now I am going to resolve this as it's working as design.

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