proposal: retrieve newly created Validation Rule

Issue #395 resolved
Peter Lin created an issue

Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a new IC project with Validation Rule selected. 2. Create a new Account Validation Rule 3. Use the Retrieve Metadata to try to retrieve

The newly created Validation Rule was not shown in the list.

Comments (8)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Yeah, in this case you need to perform a refresh on the metadata selection to pick up the new validation rule. It's an extra step I'd prefer to avoid. I'll see if there's anything I can to do have the selection work more like an actual wildcard than it does today.

  2. Peter Lin reporter

    I did a Refresh Metadata as well the same time. It didn't seem helping. Let me try again.

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Sorry, not refresh metadata, but refresh the cached metadata selection. There's a refresh button in the retrieval dialog toolbar that actually queries the latest metadata from Salesforce. Otherwise I cache it pretty aggressively because it's a non-trivial expense to enumerate all of the metadata each time that dialog is opened. Here's a screenshot:


  4. Peter Lin reporter

    After I have clicked refresh button as the screenshot in the Retrieve Metadata window, I did not see the new Validation Rule. Thank you again. 2016-09-08_162615.png

  5. Scott Wells repo owner also need to refresh the subscription. From the dialog you showed, click the pencil icon next to Contents. That will open your metadata subscription. Click the Refresh button next to the Selected radio button. Scroll down to ValidationRule and you should see a partial selection. Click that twice to select all validation rules again (this is what I meant by "have the selection work more like an actual wildcard than it does today"), then click OK. You should see your new validation rule(s) in the retrieval dialog. A few more steps than it should be right now, but it should work. I'll see if I can refine that a bit.

  6. Peter Lin reporter

    Amazing!!! You have hidden all the great treasures. Do you have a set date for your first release of the User Guide? :) Maybe it will be right after the DreamForce? We need it to discover all those hidden treasures. I have Retrieved the newly created Account Validation Rule by following your instruction. And I also took some screenshot here. Thank you very much again!




  7. Peter Lin reporter

    Feature was generally available before I submitted this issue. I have retrieved metadata by following Scott's instruction. Great help and support. Thank you!

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