Add IlluminatedCloud to Ignore File Generator

Issue #41 new
Nathen Drees created an issue

When you create a new project, if you right click on the project and add a new .gitignore file, it would be nice to have an IlluminatedCloud preset.

Ideally it would contain:

#IDEA files

#IlluminatedCloud files

I realize this is git specific, so not sure if this is in scope for your plugin or not.

Comments (9)

  1. Peter Lin

    Hi Scott, Do you recommend to add this to .gitignore file as below?

    # .gitignore file
    #IlluminatedCloud files

    Thanks, Peter

  2. Peter Lin

    Hi Scott, I've just searched and got this link!searchin/qanda/gitignore/qanda/ZLL0TOdWCUg/JncfOzkMAAAJ .

    I am still not sure about whether I should add "IlluminatedCloud" in the .gitignore file.

    It seems that if I don't add "IlluminatedCloud" in the .gitignore file, I can starting using it after cloning the repo without needing to generate the OST. This seems good. And if I don't add "IlluminatedCloud" in the .gitignore file, will this cause any side effect?

    But is there any good reason for adding "IlluminatedCloud" in the .gitignore file? This way, it seems that anyone clone it will need to generate their own OST.

    Thanks, Peter

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Peter, it's totally up to you as to whether you want to check the OST into version control or not. If your orgs are complex enough that they take a while to generate and the set of SObjects/fields and installed managed packages changes infrequently, checking it in makes good sense. If you're in the process of building out a new application and the contents of the OST are changing frequently (it gets partially regenerated every time you save a .object file), it might end up being quite noisy. So as you can see, it really depends on the nature of the project. For us, the OST takes less than a minute to generate and we're making very frequent changes, so we're excluding it.

    For what it's worth, the IntelliJ/IC-related portion of our .gitignore looks like:

    # Illuminated Cloud / Intellij

    We check in everything else including the .iml files and all other contents of .idea and are able to share that quite successfully among the team. We also use shared profiles for things like an All Tests unit test config, project code style, a search scope for Salesforce source files (Apex/Visualforce/Lightning), and a copyright profile.

  4. Peter Lin

    Thank you, Scott, for your great detailed explanation and the example!

    I will copy and paste every single line of your example into my .gitignore files, as our SObject/fields change frequently.

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