How to deploy new metadata?

Issue #419 resolved
jrattanpal created an issue

I downloaded metadata from one org; objects. This has data in CustomObject__c.object file

I copied that and pasted manually in my project in objects folder. When I try to deploy it with IC->Deploy All Metadata, I am not able to select that metadata (it shows up if I uncheck "Subscribed only").

Am I doing the it the right way? If not then what is the best way to get metadata from one org (1 project), copy it and deploy to another org?

Not sure if it's bug, feature request or just how to use it. calligg it bug for now because not able to select those objects.


Comments (6)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    There are a couple of questions here. I'll try to answer each in turn.

    The first question seems to be how to make IC deploy new metadata to the server. The subscription editor's Selected option doesn't include local-only metadata, so before adding it to your permanent subscription, you need to get it into the org. One way to do that is to open the file, in this case CustomObject__c.object, and perform a Force Save on it. Another way to do that is to use Deploy Modified/All Metadata and, as you pointed out, turn off Subscribed Only and turn on Local Only so that the new metadata is available for selection. Once the metadata has been successfully deployed into the org, you can update your subscription to include it going forward. There are certainly opportunities to simplify this a bit, but that's how it would work right now.

    The second question seems to be how to use Illuminated Cloud to help migrate metadata from one org into another. You can actually do that by configuring two connections, one for the source org and one for the target org, and then perform a retrieve from the source org and a deployment to the target org.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    I'm going to resolve this for now since it's more of a question than a bug. If you do find that the steps I've provided don't work for you, feel free to reopen it. If you have thoughts on how it might be streamlined, feel free to open a separate enhancement request with those thoughts. Thanks!

  3. jrattanpal reporter

    Thanks Scott

    yes a question on but wasn't sure.

    Although, I just created a new "layout" (Just to be sure) file this time. I can click save and it gives me option to deploy (didn't test it as I was just checking for option).

    But in Deploy All Metadta, I still can't seem to select it even when I have unchecked everything but "local only"

    Any suggestions?

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    You may need to click Refresh in the deploy dialog to have it see the new local metadata, and you may have to switch Contents to Custom to select it.

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