"Custom" deployment not deploying components

Issue #421 resolved
jrattanpal created an issue

I have some "Static resrouces" that I downloaded from one org (in same project). Then I am trying to deploy those in another org. - Do Deploy All metadata - Select Custom (uncheck subscribed only) - upload the resources

The same process worked for objects/layouts. But for Static resources, it does deploy successfully but just say 0/0 deployed.

Screen shot of me selecting those resources is attached. and log file is also attached for the process


Comments (11)

  1. jrattanpal reporter

    To add, I see in log file that it's selecting a package.xml but not sure where that is coming from. Those items are the ones that org already has so it's not adding the new "custom" items in there.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    I'm currently en route to Dreamforce. I'll try to take a look later today or this evening if possible. Are you able to get these onto the server by performing a force save or deploy all with another scope? Just trying to understand whether you're blocked or not.

  3. jrattanpal reporter

    I can do it manually with ant or workbench. (Have to check on force save). So not blocked for now.

    Enjoy dream force. So much new stuff

    -- Jaswinder Rattanpal

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    Okay. And just to clarify, this is happening when you're trying to deploy static resources to another connection, correct? My guess is that it's an omission in my recent enhancement to deploy static resources/Lightning bundle contents via the Tooling API where I'm not taking the selected connection into account. Should be easy to reproduce and fix when I can get a breather after tomorrow's demo!

  5. jrattanpal reporter

    Yes, but it does work when I deployed Permission set, Objects, layouts. But the same didn't work for static resources. Not sure if there is a different code for this,

    I do see package.xml used in idea.log when I select "Custom" but that one has 1 specific static resource (that's already there in the org) and doesn't add the one I just selected.

  6. jrattanpal reporter

    Interesting, so was able to reproduce the same behvaior on Visualforce pages. And I think, this time, I might know what went wrong.

    Scenario 1 - Org 1 ---- Uploaded some classes/objects/layouts - Org 2 ---- Deployed those changes to another org and worked

    • In this scenario, I do NOT see a package.xml when using Custom in idea.log (attached before)

    Scenario 2 - Org2 -- Trying to deploy static resources, visualforce pages which were NOT added to "Org 1". I got attached message (screenshot) and it didn't upload (log attached). And in this scenario, i DO see that package.xml which doesn't include new changes and it doesn't deploy those changes.

    So you can use this to try and repro and see why it's not working.


  7. jrattanpal reporter

    Opening the VF page in IDE, making a change and saving it deploys it properly. (Although can't do it on static resource; not sure what you meant by force save on static resource)

  8. Scott Wells repo owner

    Yeah, it's likely associated with the Tooling API deployment path not respecting an alternative connection. I'll knit together the info you've provided when I look into this shortly and see if I can put together the exact steps to reproduce. Once I have those, my guess is that it will be very quick to resolve. As always, thanks for providing all the detailed info!

  9. Scott Wells repo owner

    I'm in the process of scrubbing old bugs. It's been quite a while since we discussed this. I wasn't able to reproduce it on the current build. Obviously quite a bit has changed in the ~1 year since we last discussed this. If it's still an issue for you please feel free to reopen with steps to reproduce.

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