Another licensing issue..

Issue #439 resolved
Rick Nendza created an issue

Every time this darn thing updates I'm stuck. AT the worst time when I'm at a client. I don't have time to run into these licensing issues anymore and debug things while I'm billing by the hour for a client. Great plugin. but the whole licensing thing seems like a pita.

(currently I'm on the 30 day trial)

Comments (13)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    I'm very sorry. This has hit two other users with this latest update. If you don't mind, please revert to which can be found here. Then email me and I'll provide you a license key that you can use to continue the trial without these issues. I'm working with the third-party vendor of the licensing library to resolve these issues, and they're well aware of the frustrations that it's causing for IC users and for me.

    Just shoot me an email and I'll help get you past this.

    Regards, Scott

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Build that contains debug logging for the licensing library. The resulting log file can be found as C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\trial-log.txt. Please send the log to me so that I can share it with the licensing software vendor to diagnose/fix the issue.

  3. Rick Nendza reporter

    I downloaded the and am up and running. Ty very much.. Honestly I'm afraid to touch it now while onsite at the client. I can try to assist later tonight.

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    That's TOTALLY fine! Keep on cranking on your work and sorry again for interfering with your productivity. One of the two other users who has hit this issue has offered to help gather diagnostic info. I'll let you know when the problem should be truly addressed so that you can update safely.

  5. Rick Nendza reporter

    Thanks man.. sorry for being a dick lol. Just under stress here with 5 people banging on me and this was the last thing I needed today as this has happened to me a couple of times of the last couple of weeks. normally I just uninstall the entire IDE and reinstall as that's faster then going through logs even though I know that's not the right solution.

    I get how this stuff works but just couldn't afford to be down today..

  6. Scott Wells repo owner

    You have zero reason to apologize. The absolute last thing I want to do is get in the way of someone's productivity. That's the exact opposite of my original and ongoing motivation for IC...I want to make people more productive, myself included! The licensing thing has been a serious pain for me for a long time. The third-party vendor has been incredibly supportive in working through these issues with the latest version, but it doesn't change the fact that it impacts my end users. I'm hopeful that we're nearly to the other side of this and licensing becomes an invisible mechanism for the most part. One way or the other I definitely plan to get to that point soon...

  7. Rick Nendza reporter

    Opps sorry about the language.. Forgot these emails probably go right into the case. :)

    Anyway.. Great plugin! I look forward to using it / maybe actually purchasing it lol. I'm an independent contractor working for myself though so I generally lean toward 100% open source / free stuff but this one might be worth paying for.

  8. Scott Wells repo owner

    Good news...a handful of other users hit the same issue and were able to provide the desired logs, and with those logs, the third-party was able to reproduce and fix the issue. I've attached the build with the fix to this issue in hopes that you might be able to verify the fix. You install it by downloading the zip file and using Settings>Install plugin from disk.

    Please let me know whether it does in fact resolve the issue or not. If it does resolve the issue for you, I'll release it tomorrow morning. You won't see the update because you'll already be running the exact same build.

    Thanks in advance, Scott Wells

  9. Rick Nendza reporter

    Thanks so much for all the effort! Will give feedback when I get the time.. maybe not for a few days though.

  10. Scott Wells repo owner

    That's fine. By then my guess(/hope!) is that it will already be available in the plugin repository, so it'll just be a matter of taking the standard update. Thanks again for the understanding and patience as I've addressed this.

  11. Jorne Van Landschoot

    I can't open Settings screen any more with this build. In the log file of IDE it start with an exception like this. I will send the full log file in an email ( can't upload it here )

    2016-10-27 09:42:40,858 [3034882]  ERROR - openapi.options.ConfigurableEP - Could not initialize class com.illuminatedcloud.intellij.license.LicenseValidator 
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.illuminatedcloud.intellij.license.LicenseValidator
        at com.illuminatedcloud.intellij.settings.application.IlluminatedCloudApplicationConfigurable.updateLicenseState(SourceFile:254)
        at com.illuminatedcloud.intellij.settings.application.IlluminatedCloudApplicationConfigurable.<init>(SourceFile:137)
        at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
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