Save All issues when saving files not part of subscription

Issue #441 resolved
Eric Alexander created an issue

Saving each file individually work fine.

When using the new override for CMD-S (CTRL-S for windows I think) I get toast notifications that files are not part of subscription. When I click yes to deploy anyway I get deployment errors as in the attached screenshot.


  • Must specify both source and Metadata file
  • Not in package.xml
  • Must specify the metadata file.

I do not know if it is related to the not being in the subscriptions or if it is an issue just with the save all.

Logs provided by email. Not sure of the sensitivity of the logs or the accessibility of said logs to the public

Comments (9)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hi, Steven. Yes, I'm planning to include this in one of the next two bug fix releases, so likely no later than the next week or so.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Eric and Steven, I think I fixed this quite a bit back when I addressed a number of issues in this area. I'm resolving for now, but if the issue isn't actually resolved for you, please reopen with details on the use cases that still fail.

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