Unable to refresh metadata for "reports"

Issue #465 resolved
Tom Fuda created an issue

I can right-click on any node in my project's source folder tree and do an Illuminated Cloud -> Refresh Metadata operation and it will pull down the metadata from the server EXCEPT for the "reports" folder. Nothing seems to happen when I right-click on "reports" and try to refresh metadata. I've attached the log excerpt (with sensitive info redacted) showing a refresh of "permissionsets" and "reportTypes". In between the two operations, I did a refresh of "reports". Nothing appears in the log for "reports".

Comments (7)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Thanks for the details. I'll take a look at this very shortly and let you know what I find.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    I've reproduced this successfully. Looking at why it happens now. My guess is that there's a bug around refresh of foldered metadata types such as reports and documents. I should be able to produce a fix over the weekend for inclusion in a build early next week.

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Yep, that was the problem...two small issues with foldered metadata types. I've just submitted the fix. If this is blocking you I can get you an early access build. Otherwise I'll try to get an official build out Monday with the fix.

  4. Tom Fuda Account Deactivated reporter

    Thanks for the quick turnaround, but this is not a blocking issue for me. I can wait to get the fix via the normal upgrade channel.

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