Code Coverage - Needs to run twice

Issue #485 resolved
Derek Wiers created an issue

For some reason, after running any number of tests, I need to go to "Analyze > Show Coverage Data..." twice. The first time, it comes up with the selection for which coverage would I like, I select the test, then it does nothing. The second time, it comes up with the selection for which coverage, I select the test, and then it works like it used to - the line-by-line and the class-by-class coverage is displayed as expected. I'm not sure where to start on this one so I'll wait for a response asking for whatever kind of contextual info may be relevant. For starters:

IDEA 2016.3 mac OS 10.11.4 El Capitan on a MBP retina. FWIW, I've cranked up the heap size on Intellij to nearly 2GB. Doubt that's relevant but just in case it is...

Comments (9)

  1. Derek Wiers reporter

    BTW, great presentation at DF16 a couple months back - that's what introduced me to your plugin - great stuff!

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    I noticed this after updating to 2016.3 as well. I'm going to look into it very shortly. Must be some minor behavioral change in the plugin SDK. Thanks for the report!

    Oh, and glad you enjoyed the presentation and the plugin!

  3. Derek Wiers reporter

    @RoseSilverSoftware , btw, in regards to the code coverage tool, you know how when you click/key show coverage data, it comes up with a small dialog asking which coverage I want to show? There's only ever one option it it seems like there should be a way to default it to the only option I have instead of either using the mouse or an awkward set of arrow keys, space key, tab key, return's kinda weird. I've searched around but didn't find anything. Thanks!

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    Glad you found that. Yeah, coverage is pretty much an IntelliJ IDEA feature that I've extended to know about the coverage data available via the Salesforce API and how that maps to local source files.

  5. Scott Wells repo owner

    I think I just figured out why it's doing this and found a fix for it. I'll need to test it across multiple versions of the IDE, but it looks promising so far.

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