How do you change the password and security token?

Issue #505 resolved
CJ Boles created an issue

Other than starting an entirely new project, is it not possible to change the password or security token?

In example, when I refresh a sandbox from production code, the security token will definitely change even if the password doesn't. So trying to use the Illuminated Cloud refresh feature results in this message: "INVALID_LOGIN: Invalid username, password, security token; or user locked out."

However, I do not see a way to change the password or security token.

Comments (4)

  1. CJ Boles reporter


    I found a configuration xml in the .idea folder, however, I do not see a way to generate these hashed values for use without some assistance, I believe this should become a feature to change these values

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Jane, you can access your connection settings using File>Settings>Illuminated Cloud (your-project-name).

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