Ask for Refresh Metadata, but it doesn´t run

Issue #512 resolved
Leandro Magallanes created an issue

After someone in my team modified a class I was working on, I tried to refresh the metadata but it just won´t run. The dialog box won´t appear, and the class remains unchanged. I tried refreshing the whole "classes" folder in the project view, and in the editor, but the result is the same: nothing happens.

Comments (25)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Leandro, would you mind adding the following under Help>Debug log settings:


    Then reproduce the issue and send me the relevant extract from your idea.log which can be found using Help>Show Log in Explorer/Finder. That should hopefully give me a pretty clear idea of what's going on. Thanks!

  2. Leandro Magallanes reporter

    I added the logs you requested. The issue is with the ExpireSurveysBatch class. This is what I have in my package.xml file:

    <types> <members>AccountSetUtils</members> <members>Account_Utility_v8</members> <members>Account_Utility_v8_Test</members> <members>CG_TriggerManagement</members> <members>CP_GlobalSearchComponentController</members> <members>CP_GlobalSearchComponentControllerTest</members> <members>CP_LoginExtension</members> <members>CP_LoginExtensionTest</members> <members>CP_MemberProfileController</members> <members>CP_MemberProfileControllerTest</members> <members>CRM_AccountSetWrapper</members> <members>CRM_CategoryLayoutWrapper</members> <members>CRM_DocumentWrapper</members> <members>CRM_DocumentWrapperIterable</members> <members>CRM_FrontlineDocumentCtrl</members> <members>CRM_StoreLayoutCtrl</members> <members>CRM_StoreLayoutWrapper</members> <members>CalculateAccountSetsBatch</members> <members>REST_AccountInfo_v10</members> <members>REST_AccountInfo_v10_Test</members> <members>REST_AccountInfo_v8</members> <members>REST_AccountInfo_v8_Test</members> <members>TriggerHandler</members> <members>TriggerManagementTriggers</members> <members>ExpireSurveysBatch</members> <name>ApexClass</name> </types>

  3. Lucas Ramos Oromi

    Hi Leandro and Scott, Have you got any update on this issue? I had the same problem trying to refresh the metadata. Because of this issue I didn't purchase the license since I won't pay for something that is not working... :( Please let me know how it worked out!

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    I'm trying to remember exactly where we landed on this, and unfortunately it's eluding me right now. If you want to send over a long with the same debugging logging requested above, I'll take a look and should be able to tell very quickly what's happening.

  5. Lucas Ramos Oromi

    Unfortunately, as I said before, my trial version expired so I can't create a log with the issue. That is why I searched for someone who has the same issue I had. Looking at the messages here I can see that Leandro attached the log and after that nothing else happened so either the issue is resolved or can't be (if is the later then I won't buy the license just to attach a log here)

  6. Scott Wells repo owner

    Feel free to email me directly ( and I'll provide a trial extension for you while we figure out the issue.

  7. Scott Wells repo owner

    To be clear, it's not an unresolvable issue. Once I see what's going on in a detailed log it'll either be some instruction as to how to get it to work or a bug that I'll fix in very short order.

  8. Leandro Magallanes reporter


    I already attached the log file you asked for this issue a week ago, together with my package.xml content . Please, let me know if it´s enough or if I should get some more logs.

    Since lramosoromi is also having what it seems to be the same problem, would you mind to check if there is a reported bug on this issue?

    Just like lramosoromi said, i´m trying to evaluate the product and have the intention to purchase it, but it´s been two weeks now and still haven´t been able to try it in its full potential

  9. Scott Wells repo owner

    Leandro, I definitely apologize. Not sure why this slipped through the cracks, but I'll definitely take a look again. If I need additional logs from you to get to the bottom of what's going on, I'll let you know. I'm happy to provide extended trials to both of you while I sort through this.

    This is the bug report on the issue. You're the only two I've heard from regarding this issue, so while it's definitely happening, it hasn't been widespread. I'll take a close look and see if I can figure out what's going on.

  10. Scott Wells repo owner

    Leandro, looking at your log, it appears that you're trying to refresh a metadata file that's not actually part of your metadata subscription:

    2017-01-19 10:29:22,081 [  65318]  DEBUG - intellij.builder.RefreshAction - Processing contextually-selected files: { classes/ExpireSurveysBatch.cls }. 
    2017-01-19 10:29:22,097 [  65334]  DEBUG - intellij.builder.RefreshAction -   classes/ExpireSurveysBatch.cls is a metadata file. Adding it. 

    where your subscription (the ApexClass portion at least) is:

          "members": [
          "name": "ApexClass"

    As a result the file isn't refreshed from the server. You can either add the file to your metadata subscription or use the Retrieve Metadata (vs. Refresh Metadata) action to pull down metadata that's not part of your subscription.

    Please let me know whether that does or does not resolve the issue for you.

  11. Leandro Magallanes reporter


    Thanks for the reply. If you mean that I should add it to the package.xml file, if you check my third comment on the thread you can see that the last line includes it.

    Is there any other file that i´m not aware of where I should add the class?

  12. Lucas Ramos Oromi

    Hi Scott, I have the log file here. I believe my problem is the same as leandro, but I'm not sure. AlsoI don't know how to check my subscription...

  13. Scott Wells repo owner

    Thanks, guys. Leandro, in your case it looks like either your metadata subscription is set up differently from your package.xml or there's a bug when processing your package.xml. For both of you, to look at your metadata subscription open File>Project>Structure>Modules>moduleName>Illuminated Cloud. Your subscription will be set for All/Package, Package.xml, or Selected. My guess is that Leandro's is set to Selected and needs to be refreshed/updated to include the class in question. If not and it's set for Package.xml then I'll look into why this particular package.xml file isn't including the class in question.

    Please let me know your findings. Hopefully we'll get to the bottom of this today. Thanks again for the diagnostic info!

  14. Lucas Ramos Oromi

    Hi Scott, I think I found the issue. Just looking at the screenshot from Leandro I realice that the path of the package was incorrect. I changed the path to the one from the project and now its working. Thank for all the help!

  15. Scott Wells repo owner

    Glad to hear, Lucas. Leandro, I think the same may be happening in your case, though I'm not sure. I would expect the package.xml to be under your src directory as part of your project. Are you sure that the IDE is picking up the correct package.xml?

  16. Leandro Magallanes reporter


    I already solved the issue. The problem was that I added the class to the package.xml in the project, but (honestly, I don´t know why) the suscription was taking the file from the downloads folder.

    I changed the path to point the correct package file, and it worked like a charm.

    Thanks for your time!

  17. Scott Wells repo owner

    Wonderful! And again, my most sincere apologies for allowing this to slip off of my radar for as long as I did. Thanks to both of you for bringing it back to my attention and being patient while we worked our way through it.

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