I should be able to have a visual indicator of whether a file has had changes since last save

Issue #516 resolved
Lauren Rockford created an issue

I should be able to have a visual indicator of whether a file has had changes since last save so that I know when I have unsaved changes pending.

Comments (6)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    This has been requested a few times, but there are a few ways to interpret it. Are you wanting an indicator of whether the local file has been updated at all relative to the server copy, or are you wanting to know if it's just been updated locally since the last successful deployment only based on local times? The latter would likely be pretty simple to add. The former would be quite expensive because it would require some type of background thread polling Salesforce APIs for status info frequently.

  2. Lauren Rockford reporter

    Hey thanks for the quick response Scott! Just an indicator of the local changes should be fine.

  3. Robert Conner Account Deactivated

    My preferred behavior would be that the indicator shows as long as the file has been edited locally. As soon as the file gets deployed to the SF sandbox the indicator would disappear.

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    Issue tracker grooming. This is available already via Settings | Editor | General | Editor Tabs | Appearance | Mark modified.

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