"View External Documentation" opens JSON-formatted data from SFDC

Issue #523 resolved
Scott Posey created an issue

Shift-F1 or View->External Documentation or up-arrow icon in the quick documentation produce an URL that show JSON-formatted documentation in Chrome, for example String.valueOf yeilds:


The Quick Documentation works fine.

Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Yeah, this happened a bit back when they changed their docs from being static to being generated from JSON in the browser. I updated the URLs I use to build offline doc to get the JSON directly and as a result that's the link used for external doc. Let me see if there's a really easy way to derive the the HTML link from the JSON link as I'd prefer not to have to maintain two sets of doc URLs if there's not consistency. My guess is that there will be a way to derive it, though.

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