Managed Package Prefix not showing

Issue #528 duplicate
Himanshu created an issue

When i retrieve the Project from a packaging Org which has Prefix enabled and the code is written with prefix but when i retrieve the Project it automatically removes the Prefix.

Please help if there is anything i didn't know how to configure it. I have retrieved the Prefix also on connection screen.

Comments (3)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Himanshu, what you're seeing is something that really bothers me about Salesforce. The code that you deploy and the code that you retrieve are not always the same. They perform some "simplifications" to your code at some point, and those simplifications cause the exact types of issues you're seeing. I've reported this to Salesforce but I don't really expect anything to change as I imagine what's happening is buried pretty deep inside their deployment infrastructure.

    We've been struggling with this for several years, and I even wrote an ant script to restore proper namespace qualifications heuristically (it's not 100% accurate, though it's close). I haven't yet added that same logic to the plugin, though.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    There...I know I'd logged this as a gap when I first released the plugin. Feel free to cast a vote for #34 which covers this issue.

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