Deploy Modified Metadata operation does not seem to recognize modified static resource files

Issue #530 resolved
Tom Fuda created an issue

We check a number of zipped static resources into our Git repo so that we can track changes to them. I did a "git pull" operation that pulled down a modified copy of one of our project's static resource files. I then did an Illuminated Cloud -> Deploy Modified Metadata operation. I observed that IC did NOT deploy the modified static resource. This is a static resource that is NOT being managed by Illuminated Cloud as a Static Resource Bundle. It is built using external tools (Webpack / Gulp) and then copied into the project's /src/staticresources folder and committed directly from there.

My Validation and Deployment settings are configured to prefer the Tooling API for static resources.

To repro: * Upload a new zipped static resource into your Salesforce org and add it to your project and retrieve it from the server into your project's src/staticresources folder. * Commit the file to source control. * Outside of your Illuminated Cloud project, modify the static resource file in some way and commit it to source control. * Back in IC, fetch/pull to pull down the new version of the static resource from source control. * Deploy Modified Metadata. You will observe the new static resource file does NOT get deployed.

Comments (5)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Thanks for the report and steps to reproduce, Tom. Let me take a look and see if perhaps the Tooling API deployment path isn't properly checking the incremental deployment indicators or something. I'll let you know what I find.

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