Add support for StandardValueSet metadata

Issue #532 resolved
Scott Wells repo owner created an issue

See this thread for details. Basically it appears that right now using MetadataApi.listMetadata() for StandardValueSet returns an empty list. However, explicitly using the metadata names specified here actually does allow management of this metadata type. Until Salesforce fixes the issue with enumeration of this metadata type, I'll likely need to hard-code the known entries from that list when enumerating metadata from the connections using API v38.0 and higher.

Comments (8)

  1. Jacek Urbanowski

    @Scott Wells Hi, I’m pretty sure, that the thread you mentioned here doesn’t contain all possible StandardValueSets. A Good example is for instance ProductRequestStatus which API name I discovered simply by concatenating ProductRequest object API name with Status field API name and it turned out to be ok. But unfortunately, when I try to do the same with Status of ProductReqeuestLineItem it turns out that StandardValueSet called ProductReqeuestLineItemStatus doesn’t exist. Do you have any knowledge if something has changed since that issue was raised?

  2. Scott Wells reporter

    Hi, Jacek. Unfortunately that's the authoritative list off of which I'm able to work. I can certainly add some one-offs such as the two you mentioned, but those--and similar--will have to be handled as one-offs because there's no other good way to know which entries are missing from the list published by Salesforce. I'll add ProductRequestStatus and ProductRequestLineItemStatus for the next build.

  3. Jacek Urbanowski

    Thanks for your reply! As I mentioned, ProductRequestStatus is OK, but when it comes to ProductRequestLineItemStatus it seems to have a different API which I don’t know. Recently I changed some values in standard ProductRequestLineItem.Status picklist field and metadata file which was supposed to keep all these new values was not retrievable at all via ANT using <members>ProductRequestLineItemStatus</members> entry, so in fact, I have no idea how salesforce named it.

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