Do not save multiple classes/files at once

Issue #536 resolved
Alexander Johannes created an issue


  • two open classes, both modified, one with a compile issue
  • select the class which has no compile issue
  • hit save


The selected class is saved to Salesforce without an error. The other class (with compile issue) is ignored and not deployed (better: all other dirty files are ignored).


IC tries to deploy all dirty open files, the deployment of all files does fail due to the compile issue in one of the classes.

Comments (6)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Good timing, Alexander. I was planning to implement this as a configurable option for the next build.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Just checked this in and it will be in the next build (shooting for Monday morning). There's now a configuration option when Override Save All action is enabled, Deploy all modified files, that when enabled has the current behavior and when disabled only deploys the current file at the time that the save was requested:


    For consistency with current behavior, it's enabled by default, so just disable it after taking the new build.

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