Testing connection configuration window hangs

Issue #538 resolved
pushkar bhatia created an issue

Hi I am using intellij 14.1.3. When i am creating the new connection, after testing connection and validation. pop up window of "Testing Connection Configuration" does not go away and no other button is accessible. I have tried adding the connection without testing the connection, but that is not allowed. I am very keen to test this product but i am stuck with this issue. Please look at this.

Comments (9)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Pushkar, let me take a look. I'll confess that when testing the most recent release, I treated IDEA 14/15/16 as a single "release" and only tested 2016.3 extensively. I'll check this out as well as do a smoke test on 14 as soon as I can and let you know when the issue is resolved.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hi, Pushkar. I was able to reproduce the issue this morning. I had to take a specific path to do so based on your provided screenshots (thanks for those!). It's not an IDEA 14-specific issue but rather more related to the way the module and connection are being created. I should have a fix in the Monday morning build. I'll post an update here when the fix is submitted to confirm it.

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Well that was quick...I just submitted the fix. It was just an event queue ordering issue. Dumb oversight on my part. Look for an update on Monday morning (CST to be clear) and please let me know if it doesn't resolve the issue for you.

  4. Michal Zaganczyk

    Hi Scott,

    The update to is not yet available for me, but I want to inform you that the same issue appears on running on 2016.2.5, but with some additional error message.

    Instead of stucking/freezing on the connection test progress dialog, I receive the confirmation dialog that the connection test was successful, but right after that, I receive this error message dialog:


    Is this one expected to be fixed with release?

  5. Scott Wells repo owner

    Michael, that's likely fixed in since the fix was ensuring key events are ordered properly on the EDT. Please let me know if it still occurs after the update. Also please grab any related stack trace from idea.log (Help>Show Log in Explorer/) and include it here.

  6. Michal Zaganczyk

    Scott, the update became available for me, so I have updated the plugin. I can confirm, that the fixes my issue as well, thanks!!! I'm sorry, but I have no stack trace grabbed from the previous plugin version Thanks for the instant support, much appreciated!

  7. Scott Wells repo owner

    I'm glad to hear it resolved the issue for you Michal (no "e" this time!). Thanks for confirming the fix.

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