Spring '17 update

Issue #539 resolved
Michael Hoefer created an issue

Unable to compile global picklists, etc. Seems like only version 38.0 is available still?

Comments (10)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Yup, just waiting for the official v39.0 WSDLs to be published so I can update my SOAP client. Hopefully in the next day or two.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Got the v39.0 WSDLs and have integrated them. Over lunch I'll test the update and if all goes well I'll post it this afternoon. It won't include all of the updates for new Visualforce/Lightning standard components and such, but it will include updated Aura JS libs and integrated API docs, and if you regenerate your OST after upgrading it'll include the updated Apex system classes and SObjects as well. I'll add the other stuff in a subsequent update, likely early next week.

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Just uploaded version which includes Spring '17 API clients based the final Salesforce SOAP WSDLs.

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    I've completed the rest of the changes for Spring '17. I'll post another update either tomorrow morning or Monday morning with those changes.

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