Deployment fails - The object 'LeadConvert' of type Settings metadata does not exist.

Issue #540 resolved
Phil Spenceley created an issue

I'm trying to do a deployment using Deploy Metadata; however, I keep receiving the same error - The object 'LeadConvert' of type Settings metadata does not exist. Depending on the components I try to deploy I also sometimes get either Fatal Error or Payload Error. No other issues or component failures.

Could this be something to do with API v39.0?

Payload Error Capture.PNG

Comments (17)

  1. Phil Spenceley Account Deactivated reporter

    OK, so, I'd done an ANT retrieve as part of a build step from another developer org. This had included the Settings/LeadConvert.setting file. Even though I had deselected it from the deployment, it seems like the presence of the file was causing issues. I have now deleted the file and deployments seem to be working again.

  2. Phil Spenceley Account Deactivated reporter

    Thanks Scott - Yes, I think so. Its odd that having the file present as part of the project caused deployments to fail, even when the deployment was set to not include the LeadConvert.Setting (e.g. a custom deployment where leadConvert.Setting was manually deselected or deployment of all objects).

  3. Scott Wells repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Ah, if that file was definitely not part of the metadata subscription but was still being included in the deployment, it's a bug. Can you confirm that to be the case? If so, would you mind dropping the file in place again and getting a debug log for me from the deployment? I can give you instructions on how to set it up for debug logging if you need.

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    Phil, I just tried to reproduce this unsuccessfully. Let me explain what I did and perhaps you can let me know what you did differently:

    1. Retrieved settings/Contract.settings.
    2. Made sure that no Settings metadata is included in my Selected metadata subscription.
    3. Deployed all project metadata which includes Apex classes and triggers, Visualforce pages and components, Lightning bundles, static resources, and custom objects.
    4. Deployment completed successfully.

    IC now recognizes when files are added to the project even outside of the IDE and can add them to your metadata subscription (similarly it can remove them from your subscription when they're removed from the project). By default it prompts when it does so, but this is configurable so that it could do so without asking. Is it possible that's what happened here? You retrieved the file and it was added to your metadata subscription, then you removed it from the filesystem and it was removed from your metadata subscription? The settings for that behavior can be found here:


    Please let me know if all of the settings look correct and you still see this behavior.

  5. Phil Spenceley Account Deactivated reporter

    Hi Scott

    I did something slightly different.

    1. Downloaded all Metadat from a GIT repo (this was created using an ANT retrieve)
    2. Right Clicked the SRC folder and selected Deploy All Metadata
    3. Changed the Contents drop down to Custom on the "Select Deployment Scope" popup
    4. Manually unchecked the LeadConvert.Setting on the "Select Deployment Scope" popup
    5. Clicked Deploy on the "Select Deployment Scope" popup

    Deployment fails with error The object 'LeadConvert' of type Settings metadata does not exist. Even though the LeadConvert.Setting was manually unselected.

    I then deleted this file from IC and deployments work again.

    I believe this is specific to LeadConvert.settings as I think this is an API39.0 thing?

  6. Phil Spenceley Account Deactivated reporter

    Hi Scott

    if you still want the debug log, let me know what I need to do and I will send it to you...

  7. Scott Wells repo owner

    Phil, let me see if I can reproduce it based on your description. How is your subscription configured since that could be a factor? Are you using All/Package, Package.xml, or Selected? If I'm unable to reproduce it I'll have you get debug logs for me.

  8. Scott Wells repo owner

    Phil, do you mind adding the following under Help>Debug Log Settings:


    and reproducing the issue, then sending me your idea.log using Help>Show Log in Explorer/Finder? That'll help me see the request that IC is making for the retrieval.

  9. Scott Wells repo owner

    Phil, any update on this? If you don't mind, please try to reproduce it using the latest build (currently with debug logging enabled as described above and provide your idea.log so I can see what's happening.

  10. Scott Wells repo owner

    Resolving for now due to inactivity, but if the issue does still exist, please provide the requested debug log and I'll get to the bottom of it.

  11. Phil Spenceley Account Deactivated reporter

    Hi Scott, sorry for not replying... I'm at a critical stage of a project at the moment and I don't currently have access to the environment that I was getting the error in. When I get chance, I will try to reproduce but for now I think its good to close the issue. Thanks.

  12. Scott Wells repo owner

    No hurry at all, Phil! I was just doing a little backlog grooming today and ran across this one. Good luck with the project!

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