Deploy On External Change Deploys Constantly

Issue #542 resolved
Scott Posey created an issue

I'm not sure what the semantics of "Deploy on External Change" is supposed to do, but it appears that when this setting is enabled, deployment happens on the schedule set by the validation delay, which is essentially all the time. Because deployment takes a long time, this means that when I save, my command is ignored and I end up with a version on the server that is several edits back. It's very hard to be patient while the queued up deployments get done. It also seems like the deployment detail displayed at the bottom of the window is missing for this case, which means you can't tell what is being deployed. Because the "Deployment complete" messages in the event log don't display what was deployed, you don't know if what was deployed was what you intended.

I expect the semantics of this setting to be less aggressive, and only deploy when a file is updated by something other than me in IJ. That should really only happen if I do a git pull or something.

For now, I'm just turning this off.

Comments (7)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Scott, It shouldn't be tied at all to the validation timeout. Instead it's tied to when IntelliJ IDEA sees that files have been updated outside of the IDE. It then sends a notification with a flag set saying the change was from a refresh from the real file system, and if that option is checked, the change triggers a deployment. In all honesty I highly recommend disabling it because of the resulting unpredictable nature of it, but some folks did want it so I left in the option disabled by default.

    Having said that, I'm going to take a look tomorrow and see if perhaps somehow wires are getting crossed when that option is enabled as you've described. If so, I'll fix that.

    Also, I do plan to log which files were deployed successfully to the event log in a near-term change per another logged issue.

    I'll let you know what I find.

  2. Scott Posey reporter

    Thanks Scott. The thing is, that external change mechanism in IJ is normally pretty slow, on the order of 30 seconds to minutes, at least in terms of when it pops the dialog and says "the file has been changed on disk" and offers "file on disk" and "accept memory changes" option buttons.

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Scott, is this still an issue for you? If so, can you provide more details on the nature of the issue, ideally detailed steps to reproduce?

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    Resolving as I believe this should be fixed by a number of recent changes, but if it does still happen to you, please let me know.

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