Illuminated Cloud detects files added outside of main "src" folder and tries to add them to the project subscription

Issue #543 resolved
Tom Fuda created an issue

I've got an Illuminated Cloud project structure that looks something like this:

     |   |
     |   ReactApp
     |        |
     |        src
     |            |
     |            components
     src (this is the Salesforce metadata)

Whenever I add a new source file to the react/ReactApp/src/components folder (typically a .jsx file), Illuminated Cloud detects the addition of this file and asks if I want to add it to the project's metadata subscription: If I delete a file from the react/ReactApp/src/components folder, IC asks if I want to delete it from the server. It's treating this folder as if it contains Salesforce metadata. Is this expected behavior? Is it detecting the presence of another "src" folder, and treating that like it's a Salesforce source folder? Not a major issue IMHO, but it seems a bit weird.

Comments (7)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Good find, Tom. I'll make sure that it's only checking files under the main source root. Should be in the next build.

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