Include Global option to run Unit Tests Async or Sync

Issue #544 resolved
Gustavo Tandeciarz created an issue

In certain cases, tests will only pass if run Asynchronously. In this scenario, it would be beneficial to have a global option for the user to select if they want unit tests to be executed synchronously or asynchronously - with the default being the default behavior (sync when running a single class and async when running multiple classes).

This seems to be a bug in how salesforce handles case assignment rules when setting the owner on a case. See this Q&A post for more details

Comments (8)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Oh, one important qualification on this...if you use the offline debugger with a unit test, it will still run synchronously. This is because that's the only way I've been able to 100% control the logging levels for unit test execution which are critical to the offline debugger. So if you run into the same type of issues with a unit test where they fail sync but not async and you want to debug that unit test, understand that the test will run sync. Otherwise I couldn't actually make the debugger work.

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