Offline mode

Issue #551 resolved
Scott Posey created an issue

I'm struggling to find an efficient workflow with IC and git. Without IC, my workflow is something like:

  1. cut a working branch off of master
  2. deploy to a sandbox
  3. make changes
  4. deploy changes to sandbox/go back to previous step

With IC I have to insert a time-consuming step after #2 which is to build an IC project on top of that source tree and wait for it to download everything from my org that I already have on my desktop.

What would be nice is if IC could simply read and index the source tree on my desktop, without talking to Salesforce unless explicitly deploying.

Is that possible? Is there a better procedure I should be following?

Comments (2)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Scott, what you're wanting is absolutely possible. Instead of creating your project based on the org, you can create one directly from VCS or from existing source in your local file system. To do this, use File>New>Project from Version Control or File>New>Project from Existing Sources respectively. For the former, it will prompt you for what to check out from version control based on the VCS you have selected, then will pull the source into the local filesystem. For the latter it will prompt you to choose an existing root directory under which existing sources can be found. In either case once the source files are local, if the filesystem already contains Illuminated Cloud project files, you're good to go. If not, IC will detect that the new project should be an IC project and will guide you through converting it. Either way, at that point you can deploy the metadata to the org for your specified connection to populate it.

    Please let me know if that's not what you're wanting.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Scott, I'm going to resolve this for now assuming that what I've described gives you what you're wanting. If it turns out it's not working as described, please feel free reopen with details about what's not working properly.

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