Lightning component attribute name autocomplete inside controller and helper

Issue #563 duplicate
Matej Pinter created an issue

More and more we developers are sailing into LEX development. I myself am working a lot of my time on LEX components.

My main problem is, that there is no major help inside component controller and helper from component itself. I'm talking here about autocomplete of attribute / event names from component.

For example in controller or helper I write something like that: cmp.set("v.someAtttributeName", someValue); Would be nice to have those names of attributes (in my example "someAttributeName") to have help from autocomplete. Cherry on cake would be for events as well. :)

Is this possible to have until summer '17 release? Is it possible to do this at all? As from summer, I'm mainly switching to LEX component development, so I would really find this very useful to me. :)

Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hi, Matej. Nice to hear from you! Yes, this is something I intend to do as part of finishing #49. The broad goal of that work would be that anywhere completions could be offered during Lightning development, they would be offered, and reference navigation would also be implemented for the selected completion if applicable.

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