Retrieve not working

Issue #564 resolved
Julio Enrique created an issue

Hi Scott, We are having the following issue on mac and windows: The metadata doesn't do anything and I'm not sure why. I have seen the following error on the console but I'm not sure how to fix this, maybe this is causing the issue, i attached the image so you can take a look to it.

Comments (5)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hi, Julio. That's definitely the root cause. What happens when you click Resolve? It should look for a source root, and if it finds an unambiguous one, configure it for you; if it can't, it should open the module settings for you to select the source root. Please let me know if that doesn't resolve the issue, or if you're not sure how to proceed after trying it.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Julio, I'm resolving this for now since I'm unable to reproduce it and haven't heard back from you. If you are still able to reproduce the issue, please reopen with details.

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