Refreshing metadata causes validation

Issue #565 resolved
Kamil Pilarski created an issue

Hi, Every time I refresh metadata, a validation is run. That's not a big deal, unless it's done on production, because it causes all tests on production to run and that blocks all other deployments (unless someone else stops it, but that person won't know if it was run accidentaly or on purpose). In my opinion, validation shouldn't be run after refresh, because metadata on server is already compiled and should be valid.

Comments (6)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Your last statement is 100% correct. Validation should not occur in reaction to a refresh operation. I'll take a look at why this is happening. In the interim, the obvious workaround is to disable validation temporarily. Not even close to ideal, I know, but I understand your point about it causing issues again production environments. Thanks for filing and sorry for the issue...

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Kamil, I looked at this today. Do you happen to have Deploy on external change enabled? That's the only situation in which I can see this happening right now. Otherwise the changes from the external change (in this case, refresh) should be ignored. If you are seeing this happen without Deploy on external change enabled, let me know and we'll get some debug logging information to try to understand why.

  3. Kamil Pilarski reporter

    Hi Scott, yes, it was because that option was enabled. I think it's enabled by default. Thank you for help :)

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    Okay. That should be disabled by default, but you've had the plugin for quite a while so perhaps it changed across some upgrade unintentionally or something. Anyway, it sounds like disabling that addresses the issue, correct? If so, I'm going to resolve this. Please feel free to reopen if you observe the same behavior with that option disabled.

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