Support System.Label completions

Issue #581 resolved
Scott Wells repo owner created an issue

This was reported by a user via the discussion groups. Basically Label.<labelName> completions/reference navigation isn't present in the Apex editor.

Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wells reporter

    This actually ended up being considerably more involved than I'd have expected, in particular because of the Label[.<namespace>].<labelName> variant. It's implemented now, though, along with some additional enhancements such as highlighting labels as symbolic constants in the editor. I'll include it in the next released build which should be available tomorrow or Monday.

  2. Scott Wells reporter

    Delivered in Note that you'll need to regenerate your OST before this will work because it now generates System.Type into the OST to anchor this behavior.

  3. Doug Ayers

    Question, for this to work do I need to actually retrieve labels to my project locally or should I expect the plugin to just download all that in the background with the OST?

    In an apex class that uses System.Label.<labelName> I am not getting completions or ability to navigate into it to see the actual value behind the label. I see red balloon error "Cannot find declaration to go to"



    Thinking maybe the CustomLabel metadata needs to be retrieved I did pull those down into the project and rebuilt the OST, reloaded the project, no dice.





    IntelliJ IDEA 2017.1.4 (community edition)

    Build #IC-171.4694.23, built on June 6, 2017

    JRE: 1.8.0_112-release-736-b21 amd64

    JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o

    Windows 10 10.0

  4. Scott Wells reporter

    Doug, right now they need to be retrieved locally for them to be available for completion and reference navigation.

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