Unable to create Lightning Design file in Aura Component

Issue #588 resolved
Alex Jung created an issue

A Lightning "Design" resource is not one of the options when attempting to add a file to a lightning bundle.

Comments (10)

  1. Alex Jung reporter

    and I just checked developer console. oddly enough, I can't add a design resource to the component that way either..

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Alex, the issue is that you're right-clicking on Lightning application instead of a Lightning component. If you right-click on a Lightning component you should see Design offered as an option. Now, having said that, it's very possible that I misunderstood which bundle contents are allowed for applications. Based on the info here:


    it looks like Design is only intended for components. If that's incorrect, it's trivial for me to make that an option when working with components. Please let know based on your experience if that's the case.

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    I just verified that Developer Console does not offer Design as an option for Application bundles either:


  4. Alex Jung reporter

    Well, i feel like an idiot. You're correct, I created an application when i meant to create a component. I don't know how/why; I've created countless components w/o making this mistake, lol... sorry about that.

  5. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hah! No problem, and don't feel bad at all. You definitely had me wondering if perhaps the filtering wasn't quite right for the various bundle types. Glad it was something this simple, and honestly glad it (indirectly) caught a mistake for you!

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