Autocomplete stops working after generation of Offline Symbol Table

Issue #598 resolved
Willem Mulder created an issue

Whenever I generate the Offline Symbol Table for SObjects (right click -> Illuminated Cloud -> Generate Offline Symbol Table -> SObjects), the Autocomplete stops working. This is not just during the refresh, but stays like that from the moment of refresh.

When I restart IntelliJ, things are back to normal, so it is not the index that is somehow getting corrupted.

Using latest version of IntelliJ and IlluminatedCloud.

Comments (12)

  1. Corey Yeatman

    I have the same issue with regeneration of the Symbol Table (just sObjects only), although it seems to affect IntelliJ IDEA completely - Cmd-N to open new files doesn't work; auto-complete is broken; IDEA hangs when I try to shut it down; left with a blank IDEA window after closing the project, etc. Have to force-close IDEA and restart.

    I'm using IDEA 2017.1.1 and Illuminated Cloud

  2. Willem Mulder reporter

    Ah, thanks for mentioning that!

    I also sometimes have the IDEA hang when I try to shut it down but didn't know that was related to the table regeneration. Will check that next time as well.

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Yeah, there's still some lingering issue with caches on OST generation. That's why I offered the Reopen project option in the dialog after OST generation/cache rebuild. That's obviously a workaround, but for the most part it seems to work for me. I've tried to track down the root cause of this issue a few times with only partial/incremental success, but I'll give it another go in the near future. I agree that it's quite annoying. Keep an eye on this issue for progress. Sorry for the issues!

  4. Willem Mulder reporter

    No problem @RoseSilverSoftware, it's still the best editor out there, and I keep loving it every day :-)

  5. Peter Moustrides Account Deactivated

    I was a couple version behind but after upgrading this week I am experience loss of completion but it's not from OST generation, I haven't narrowed down it but I am having to restart Idea a few times a day to get it back.

    I also have been getting the blank IDEA window after closing the project too.

    I'm using IDEA 2017.1.2 and Illuminated Cloud on OS X 10.12.4

  6. Scott Wells repo owner

    Sorry for the issues, Peter. Do you mind sending me your idea.log so I can see exactly what's going on? Feel free to email it to me if you'd prefer.

  7. Peter Moustrides Account Deactivated

    Hi Scott

    It seems like it wasn't the issue I thought it was as it still isn't working. It appears that its not working for static methods for me and it is only present with new projects. A couple of us who are experiencing the same issues are on os x.

  8. Scott Wells repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Okay, let me scan your log, and I might ask you for more logs from you and/or some of your other team members who are seeing the same issue.

  9. Scott Wells repo owner

    Peter, I'm seeing a number of these:

    com.intellij.psi.PsiInvalidElementAccessException: Element class com.intellij.psi.impl.source.tree.CompositeElement of type LOCAL_VARIABLE_DECLARATION (class com.illuminatedcloud.intellij.psi.stub.ApexLocalVariableDeclarationElementType)

    You might trying rebuild caches & indices using Illuminated Cloud>Configure Project>Rebuild Caches and Indices. Allow the project to be reopened to give the best results. Let me know if that does or does not resolve the issue for you.

  10. Peter Moustrides Account Deactivated

    Scott, I did this and it didn't work but then after generating OST again it seems to be working now.

  11. Scott Wells repo owner

    Okay. I'm going to re-resolve this but if any of you find a pattern that causes this to occur, please reopen with those details and hopefully I can address it properly.

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