Completion suggestions for SELECT fields in inner joins should show the relationship attribute

Issue #6 resolved
Mike Bordon created an issue

Mike noticed repetition in completions that are shown for inner join sub-select fields. This is because it's showing the union set of fields across all 1:M relationships and of course some field names are common. Mike's suggesting that the completion show the parent SObject type in that case for clarity.

Bonus points: Completion should also then filter subsequent completions (and ultimately the FROM relationship candidates) based on what has already selected.

Comments (3)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    No bonus points on this one. I'll look into doing that type of smarter filtering later. For now I'm trying to wind down the initial development phase. I did go ahead and provide tail text that shows the parent SObject type of the completions in this context. It's not exactly the same as showing the relationship attribute, but it's very close and much easier since by the time the completions are being shown, the relationship attributes have been translated into their corresponding SObject types and it's not a 1:1 correspondence, i.e., you can have multiple relationship attributes of the same type on a single SObject type.

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