Give to user ability to change metadata type for retrieve from server

Issue #61 resolved
Sergey Trusov created an issue

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Comments (7)

  1. Sergey Trusov reporter

    I want have ability retrieve only current file or particular type (ApexClass) or some particular types, because retrieve all metadata in some project take a long time, but I need only 1 class.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Ah, okay. So let me echo back my understanding of what you're requesting to make sure it's correct. You're basically saying that in addition to the module-level metadata selection which may cover a large amount of metadata, you'd also like the ability to perform ad hoc metadata retrieval on a small subset such as refreshing one or more particular Apex classes(/triggers/pages/objects/etc.) from the server or just pulling fetching only the layouts, all without having to modify the configured metadata selection for that module. Does that sound correct?

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Great! I'll think about this a bit and once I have thoughts on how I might support this, I'll share them with you for feedback. Thanks!

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    Merging this into issue 83 as they address the same issue (ad hoc selection of metadata for deployment/retrieval).

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