Unbalanced stack frames

Issue #617 resolved
Kasper Simiński created an issue


  1. Set debug levels to Full debugging.
  2. Go to page and filling form.
  3. Press submit and retrieve submit's log (1.39MB)
  4. Run debug from IC.
  5. At the end of debug's console I have following information.

06:53:02.2 (512176991)|EXECUTION_FINISHED ERROR: unbalanced stack frames. Process finished.

Comments (3)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    This is generally caused by the debugged process generating a log larger than 2MB and therefore being truncated by Salesforce servers. You can confirm that to be the case by searching the log for "Maximum debug log size reached". Worse, the log may can be truncated at the beginning or the end. As a result, IC is unable to parse the full execution resulting in the error cited here.

    In this video I show some ways to work around this limitation by lowering your logging levels. This results in less detailed debugging, but it can still be quite effective in understanding issues in running processes.

    Please let me know if this doesn't address the issue for you, at least within the constraints of Salesforce's logging system.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    I'm resolving this for now. If you do find that the log isn't truncated as I described above and you're still seeing this issue, please reopen with an example log (you can email it to me if you'd like) so I can see what's happening.

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