Apex Parser Error

Issue #62 resolved
Sergey Trusov created an issue

Following code is invalid in IlluminatedCloud Editor, but valid for Force.com Platform and other editors.

String myLongStringName = myLongClassInstanceName

Comments (5)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Sergey, can you provide a little more context on the Apex that's not parsing? I just entered the following and it parsed fine:

    public class Issue62
            String myLongStringName = myLongClassInstanceName
  2. Sergey Trusov reporter

    There should be static method, it is my mistake. In following code I got 'Variable does not exist: FooTest ' Error

    public class FooTest {
        public static String foo() {
            return 'foo';
        public class BarTest {
            public void bar() {
                String foo = Test
  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Ahhhh...that's not a parser error from Illuminated Cloud. That's coming from Force.com itself when validating/deploying. I'm just adding it to the editor window (and problems view on deploy) to make it easier to consume. I just verified that I see the same issue outside of Illuminated Cloud if I add the same class in Developer Console or Setup>Develop>Apex Classes:


    So while it's not an issue with Illuminated Cloud, it's still definitely curious. It seems like perfectly valid Apex to me. I tried a few workarounds such as saving the class without the static reference back to itself first and then restoring the static reference, but that didn't work. Then I tried just making the call from the inner class use foo() instead of FooTest.foo() and that did work because of standard scope resolution rules. Hopefully that helps you!

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