Deployment failed

Issue #621 resolved
eric van zuilen created an issue

Hi, I try to save a component, it results in the error:

09:54 Deployment Failed ERROR deploying ApexComponent components/FileList.component: <unknown>

As a workaround I use Eclipse to save the component.

I hope you can help/solve this issue.

regards, Eric

Comments (7)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Eric, first off, thanks for providing the actual code so that I could try to reproduce the issue, and thanks for providing the log. I had to create a File__c SObject and a FileWrapper class with the referenced fields/properties, but after doing so the component deploys fine. When I make a change to ensure the component is invalid, e.g., omit one of the referenced properties, I get a clear error, e.g., "Unknown property 'FileWrapper.parentLabel'".

    Do you mind doing two things? First, based on the following in the provided log:

    2017-05-29 14:53:21,716 [ 577313]   WARN - .intellij.psi.util.ApexPsiUtil - Attempting to add an invalid element as a cache dependency: class com.illuminatedcloud.intellij.psi.impl.ApexClassDeclarationImpl 

    please rebuild your caches and indices using Illuminated Cloud>Configure Project>Rebuild Caches and Indices. That's a symptom of a infrequent bug that I'm still trying to squash completely.

    Also, can you please run this same failing deployment with the following added under Help>Debug Log Settings:


    Then send me the new idea.log so that I can see exactly what's happening. Hopefully that will lead to the issue and the resolution very quickly.

    Regards, Scott

  2. eric van zuilen reporter

    Hi Scott,

    Thank you for your quick response. I have rebuild Caches and Indices, and I deployed the component again. Attached is the new log.

    Regards, Eric

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Eric, I apologize but I'm not seeing a new attachment. Would you mind either attaching again or emailing it to me?

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hmmmm...I'm still not seeing the new attachment. Do you just want to send it to me via email? You can use

  5. Scott Wells repo owner

    Eric, I'm scrubbing old bugs and noticed that I sent you a reply on June 1. I never heard back. I'm resolving this but if it's continued to be an issue for you, please feel free to reopen with new details and I'll take a look.

  6. eric van zuilen reporter

    Hi Scott,

    I somehow missed your reply, my apologies for this. Thank you for solving the problem , I can confirm it is fixed, I worked on a component this week and everything was fine.

    Kind regards, eric

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