Symbol table generates installed managed package classes wrongly

Issue #628 resolved
Gobius Dolhain created an issue

When generating the offline symbol table, managed package classes are generated in this way:

global class /*Prefix.*/Prefix.Classname{...}

Expected result should be:

global class /*Prefix.*/Classname{...}

This breaks the autocompletion and syntax highlighting for these classes.

Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Thanks for reporting. I'll take a look. You're correct that the namespace prefix should only be in the comment area. Can you let me know which managed package you have installed that's generating in this fashion?

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    This is due to a regression in the Tooling API in Summer '17. I've reported the regression to Salesforce and have implemented a workaround for it that will be included in the next build. I hope to release that build later today or, at the latest, tomorrow morning.

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