Can't create any Apex Unit Tests run configurations

Issue #652 resolved
Jeff Mather created an issue

IntelliJ IDEA 2017.1.5 Build #IU-171.4694.70, built on July 4, 2017 Host OS: Windows 10

Clicking on the green plus sign button creates a header in the list for Apex Unit Tests, but does not create any configuration beneath that header.

Also, trying to create a config from the context menu does nothing.
Also, running tests from the context menu does nothing.

Comments (14)

  1. Jeff Mather reporter

    It was disabled. Enabling it fixes the problem. Did I miss something in the instructions about it needing to be enabled?

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    It seems to be a recent regression. It should tell you that you need to enable the Coverage plugin if it's not enabled, but in recent IntelliJ builds it's not anymore. I have it on my list to fix for the next build. Glad you're going, but apologies for the nuisance.

  3. Jeff Mather reporter

    Thanks. Other than the fact it's missing the rename refactoring, it's a great plugin you are offering.

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    It won't be free because IC2 will have a higher price point (though not dramatically so), but it will be discounted. IC2 will be subscription-based, so the discount will be on the first year's subscription, and it will be based on recency of purchase of IC1 at the time that the IC2 upgrade is purchased. I haven't worked through all the details on pricing or timing yet, though, so that's about as much as I can share right now.

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