Can't configure DX from fresh install w/o Connection

Issue #665 resolved
Chuck Liddell created an issue

My expectation is that I can install IDEA, install the Illuminated Cloud plugin that supports DX, open the configuration for IC and set the path for the sfdx CLI tool, then I will see my dx connections and be able to start working.

However, when I try to do this I get an error when I am trying to save the sfdx CLI tool path in the IC configuration screen. The error is about connection validation. My guess is there is some mechanism that is requiring at least one Connection to be defined before I am allowed to save the configuration. I know that as soon as I save and the CLI tool is seen by IC some Connections will be built, but because that hasn't happened I can't save. Catch 22.

To fix this I added an arbitrary Connection to a non-DX org and saved. As soon as I saved DX connections showed up in my list.

Clearly there's a simple workaround here—create an arbitrary Connection just so IC stops complaining—but it's counter-intuitive to anyone setting up IC from a fresh install and wanting to work with DX.

Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Thanks for reporting, Chuck. Totally agreed on the expectation. I'll get it fixed in the next DX build.

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