DataLoader functionalities

Issue #666 resolved
Jacek Nakonieczny created an issue

Having SOQL query functionality is great and there might be several ways to improve it to mimic DataLoader/Workbench functionalities for data migration. Especially when sandbox is refreshed and it need to be repopulated with data from other environment. Most probably this ticket should be split into few.

    • possibility to save SOQL query result to .csv file
    • optionally genrate .sdl file with meta information about sobject and fields association
    • possibility to upload (insert/upsert) saved SOQL query result from .csv file
    • using companion meta file .sdl for sobject and fields association
    • optionally generate log file with result
    • possibility to perform delete/undelete/purge actions
    • optionally generate log file with result
    • possibility to store SOQL result in other sandbox
    • optionally generate .csv and .sdl files
    • optionally generate log file with result
  1. automatize actions 1-5 based on .soql files in arbitrary "input" directory and store generated files in arbitrary "output" directory

Comments (5)

  1. Nunzio Capasso

    it would be amazing to get something like this. So we can basically just use one software to do everything!

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Issue tracker grooming. It's unlikely this would be addressed in this manner at this point. If anything, it would likely be a facade on top of the Salesforce CLI's data import/export capabilities. If that's interesting to folks, please feel free to log a new/fresh enhancement request with specific use cases that you'd like to see included.

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