High CPU usage after refreshing SObject OST

Issue #669 duplicate
Derek Wiers created an issue

I've had it a few times now where the following happens: 1. Refresh OST (SObject Only) 2. Indexing operation happens as expected 3. High CPU usage (100-120%, meaning 1-1.2 cores fully utilized) after indexing finishes.

I have attached the log folder, as I suspect that just one log file will not be enough.

Comments (14)

  1. Derek Wiers reporter

    Figured out that it's just when I do SObject Only. IntellIj then gets unstable after that and has to be force-closed. Upon application restart, the OST reports as orphaned and I have to do a full OST refresh anyway.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hey, Derek. Sorry for not giving you any response/update on this but I've been cranking toward a deadline. Would you mind capturing a log of an SObject-only OST generation when this happens and shooting it over to me? You can add the following class for debug logging to get details:


    I'll be curious to see what that shows since for the most part there's no much going on there aside from a number of API calls, some of them executed in parallel if so configured in your connection details.

  3. Derek Wiers reporter

    No problem - I understand; we all have deadlines. Anyway, yeah I just put that in the debug log settings so next time I refresh the SObject table I'll give you that. It'll probably be early next week.

  4. Derek Wiers reporter

    It appears that now that IntelliJ/IC has an audience (the debug log class I set as per your instructions), the problem doesn't seem to show. As such, I'll take it off your plate by closing it for now.

  5. Derek Wiers reporter

    Go figure. Soon after closing this I get it again! Such is life. Attaching the log files. They are a tad repetitive...

    2017-08-30 15:58:33,698 [11472009]   WARN - .intellij.psi.util.ApexPsiUtil - Caught an invalid element access exception trying to find the containing file.  Looking up the tree. 
    2017-08-30 15:58:33,698 [11472009]   WARN - .intellij.psi.util.ApexPsiUtil - Caught an invalid element access exception trying to find the containing file.  Looking up the tree. 
    2017-08-30 15:58:33,699 [11472010]   WARN - .intellij.psi.util.ApexPsiUtil - Caught an invalid element access exception trying to find the containing file.  Looking up the tree. 
    2017-08-30 15:58:33,699 [11472010]   WARN - .intellij.psi.util.ApexPsiUtil - Caught an invalid element access exception trying to find the containing file.  Looking up the tree. 
    2017-08-30 15:58:33,700 [11472011]   WARN - .intellij.psi.util.ApexPsiUtil - Caught an invalid element access exception trying to find the containing file.  Looking up the tree. 
    2017-08-30 15:58:33,700 [11472011]   WARN - .intellij.psi.util.ApexPsiUtil - Caught an invalid element access exception trying to find the containing file.  Looking up the tree. 
    2017-08-30 15:58:33,701 [11472012]   WARN - .intellij.psi.util.ApexPsiUtil - Caught an invalid element access exception trying to find the containing file.  Looking up the tree. 
    2017-08-30 15:58:33,701 [11472012]   WARN - .intellij.psi.util.ApexPsiUtil - Caught an invalid element access exception trying to find the containing file.  Looking up the tree. 
  6. Scott Wells repo owner

    Yup, I have a prospective fix for that locally that I'm running through a burn-in period this week on my own workstation. Assuming the fix looks good, I'll be releasing it with the next build.

  7. Scott Wells repo owner

    Committing a big faux-pas by resolving the earlier issue as a duplicate of the more recent issue, but the majority of the discussion is on #681 so let's continue troubleshooting this there.

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