Organization Administration Locked after deploying class using Salesforce DX enabled Illuminated CLoud

Issue #675 resolved
Jaap Branderhorst created an issue

I try to deploy a class using the Salesforce DX ready version (latest one) to a standard sandbox (non Salesforce DX ready project). I get a Organization Administration Locked error from Salesforce. After a while the lock is released but it is REALLY annoying. I just rolled back to the non-Salesforce DX version and am going to test if it happens there as well.

Comments (3)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hi, Jaap. That's curious. Please let me know if the standard build exhibits the same behavior. There shouldn't be any difference whatsoever in the deployment logic between the DX build and the standard build, so I would expect it to do so. Is there any other information about the org lock? I may need to see a detailed log from deployment to see if it's perhaps starting multiple times or something. You might also try disabling validation deployment in case that's contributing. Let me know if you're not sure how to do that.

  2. Jaap Branderhorst Account Deactivated reporter

    Hi Scott,

    I have been able to fix this. Apparently a colleague of mine started a test that spun a large amount of Queuables and hit the limits by doing that. While that test ran, I tried to deploy but got the administration locked error. Unfortunately, these types of bugs are quite hard to find in the Salesforce setup (you have to look at the test history) so we both tried it again and ran in the same problems. So, long story short: user error/Salesforce fussiness but for sure no Illuminated cloud error.

    Thanks for responding so fast and building a great product!

    [image: Logo Appsolutely] * JAAP BRANDERHORST* +3 16 10 00 17 14 <+31610001714> <0031652819644> APPSOLUTELY.NL [image: LinkedIn] [image: Twitter]

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