Lightning components do not Autocomplete {!c.xxxxx}

Issue #682 resolved
Eric Alexander created an issue

Specifically when completing the onclick of a lightning:button and in almost all other scenarios, the autocomplete does not suggest the c.[function] nor does the goto reference (CMD-B) work

Comments (7)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Yeah, there are still some missing completions and reference injections in Lightning that I hope to address very soon. Thanks for putting this concretely on my radar.

  2. Doug Ayers

    Maybe related to this, I've noticed in IC2 on Mac OSX in WebStorm that when you are in a Lightning Component controller/helper file that the v.[attribute] is not autocompleting. Has that always been the case because I want to think that this did autocomplete when I was on Windows in earlier versions of the plugin. Autocompleting of the v.[attribute] works fine when I'm in the .cmp file, just nothing is showing up when I'm in the Controller.js or Helper.js files.

    For example,

    var selectedIndex = component.get( 'v.s' ); after typing v. or v.s nothing is autocompleting even though I have an attribute named selectedIndex in the .cmp file.

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Yeah, these are just omissions in the current Lightning completion/reference injection stuff. I'm planning to make a full pass and get all of these addressed once I wrap up a few IC2 code inspection false negatives.

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    Issue tracker grooming. If this is still an issue, please feel free to reopen, ideally with a concrete reproduction scenario.

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