Error when getting email templates

Issue #687 resolved
Eric Alexander created an issue

When doing a metadata retrieve for all email templates the following error popped up.

All email templates except the ones in the Unfiled folder were retrieved. This pop up appeared 2 more times after clicking Ok.

Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Eric, have you continued to see this? If so, could you send a log from when it happens? It should contain the full stack trace so I can see where it's trying to access index information while things are indexing.

  2. Eric Alexander reporter

    @RoseSilverSoftware It appears I cannot reproduce it and I am still on the same version as when tis was reported.

    If it comes up again I will try to get the logs.....

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Okay. I'm resolving it for now but as always if you reproduce it, reopen and attach the log and any other relevant info.

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