Audio/Sound Notification Upon Deployment Successful/Failed

Issue #697 resolved
Ian Gallagher created an issue

As a user of Illuminated Cloud when deploying meta data to Salesforce server if successful I should receive an audio notification. If deployment fails or partially succeeds I should be notified with a different not so positive sounding notification.

These sounds should only activate when setting Validation and Deployment > Play Sound Upon Deployment Complete is checked.

Comments (9)

  1. Ian Gallagher Account Deactivated reporter

    As a workaround I was able to get IntelliJ to read aloud the results of the deployment (it does not read the detailed errors message) by clicking on the gear and wrench icon of the Event Log pane then checking the Read aloud column for the two items shown in the below screenshot. Quite a handy feature, IntelliJ never fails to surprise me.

    Screen Shot 2018-03-21 at 11.03.19 AM.png

    Screen Shot 2018-03-21 at 11.03.31 AM.png

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Wow! That's a VERY creative workaround, and I agree that it's pretty crazy that you can just do that in IntelliJ. Nice job!

  3. Nunzio Capasso

    Nice Ian, i was just looking for something like this. I was tryng to reproduce your steps but i am cleary missing something, basicly in the second step i dont have the "read" colomn but just the "log" one. What i am i missing ? :)

  4. Ian Gallagher Account Deactivated reporter

    Hi Nunzio, I'm using IntelliJ Ultimate 2016.3.1. I would check your version of IntelliJ and verify your license type by reaching out to JetBrains support. It may be that your version doesn't include that feature or perhaps there is some setting that you need to change.

  5. Rohan Gore

    I am using IJ Community Edition and it is there as well! Tried and it's working nice. This can be also be configured from settings/preferences as shown below: Preferences Read Aloud.png

  6. Jason Clark

    Not sure if this is the same request; let me know if I should add another ticket. On Mac OS, when unit tests complete, I get a system notification with number passed/number failed, if Intelli-J is not my active application (I'm guessing this is an Intelli-J feature, not specifically an Illuminated Cloud feature). I'd like to get the same sort of system notification when a deployment completes/fails if Intelli-J is not my active application. I looked at the notification settings, but I can't make heads or tails. None of the options seem to reference system notifications (except the top-level "Enable System Notifications" checkbox), and the settings for the "Test Runner" group are "no popup", so I don't even know why I'm getting the notifications for tests. Also, my options for IC are different, but none of them generate System Notifications AFAICT.

    Screen Shot 2019-03-04 at 11.49.52 AM.png

  7. Scott Wells repo owner

    Issue tracker grooming. Pretty sure this has been addressed using the standard IDE notification config stuff.

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