Plugin removes Save All button when disabled

Issue #701 resolved
Jeff Mather created an issue

I develop in Salesforce only sporadically, so I disable the IC plugin when working with other platforms so that I don't have its views cluttering up my IDEA workspace. But when I disable the plugin, the Save All toolbar button is removed from my main IDE toolbar, apparently because IC had replaced it with one of its own. So, I have to add the real one back in. It seems like IC could integrate more cleanly with IDEA in this regard.

Comments (8)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hi, Jeff. Unfortunately there's no plugin SDK extension point to let me know when the plugin is being disabled/uninstalled. As a result, there's no way to adjust things back to the IDE default. IC does make a copy of your keymap when it overrides Save All, so you just need to swap to the original keymap (or restore Save All to Ctrl+S/Cmd+S in the current keymap). I've looked for some way to make this more seamless but unfortunately I can't find any sanctioned extension point that would allow me to know about these events.

  2. Jeff Mather reporter

    Hi Scott. Is there any way to make IC ignore my non-Salesforce projects, so that I wouldn't have to disable the plugin? I have a ton of IDEA plugins enabled, and most of them don't get in my way when I'm not working in the particular technology they are focused on.

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Jeff, yes, you should be able to work with other non-IC projects while IC is enabled. I work in Java all the time and to a lesser extent Python, both as separate projects and as modules within the same project as IC modules. If IC "sees" what seems to be Salesforce metadata within a module and pops up the toaster telling the module is not configured for IC, just click the "Ignore" link and it won't ever do that again. Is there some other way that it's interfering with your work in other languages? If so, that would be a bug for sure. It's intended to be complementary to your other work, not an obstacle.

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    Ah, okay. So if I'm understanding correctly, the three tool windows - Anonymous Apex, SOQL Query, and Log Viewer - are cluttering your bottom dock when not working with Salesforce projects? If that's the case I can look into whether it would be easy to suppress those for a project that doesn't include any IC modules. The trick would be to make sure that they're added if such a project is updated to include an IC module later. Let me know if I've characterized the issue properly and, if so, I'll see if there's anything I can do.

  5. Jeff Mather reporter

    Yes, that is the issue. I guess it is just three windows, instead of five. (I was blaming IC for a couple of windows that it wasn't responsible for.) Your proposed solution sounds just like what I'm seeking. :)

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