An unexpected error occurred during license validation

Issue #708 resolved
이상협 created an issue


For Security Policy, My office's firewall is blocking your license validation server IP and Port

Let me know your license validation server's IP and Port. I have to send out security team for open.

IntelliJ Community (2017.2.3) Illuminated Cloud (

Thank you.

Comments (9)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hi. I believe I may have just responded to you via email as well, but the issue is this:

    2016-10-24 15:18:12,686 [  64339]  ERROR - ellij.license.LicenseValidator - An unexpected error occurred during license validation. 
    com.wyday.turboactivate.EnableNetworkAdaptersException: There are network adapters on the system that are disabled and TurboActivate couldn't read their hardware properties (even after trying and failing to enable the adapters automatically). Enable the network adapters, re-run the function, and TurboActivate will be able to "remember" the adapters even if the adapters are disabled in the future.
        at com.wyday.turboactivate.TurboActivate.UseTrial(SourceFile:871)
        at com.wyday.turboactivate.TurboActivate.UseTrial(SourceFile:840)
        at com.illuminatedcloud.intellij.license.LicenseValidator$7.compute(SourceFile:480)
        at com.illuminatedcloud.intellij.license.LicenseValidator$7.compute(SourceFile:473)
        at com.illuminatedcloud.intellij.license.LicenseValidator.runWithTurboActivate(SourceFile:246)
        at com.illuminatedcloud.intellij.license.LicenseValidator.getTrialDaysRemaining(SourceFile:472)
        at com.illuminatedcloud.intellij.license.LicenseValidator.validateLicense(SourceFile:328)

    This isn't actually a firewall issue. On some older versions of Windows, all network interfaces must be enabled (just active but not necessarily connected) when the initial license check is performed by the third-party licensing software. Once that software has taken a "digital fingerprint" of the host machine, it's safe to return to the original enabled/disabled state of network interfaces.

    Please let me know if doing that doesn't resolve this issue for you.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    I'm going to resolve this for now, but if you find that the provided instructions don't help lead to a resolution, please feel free to reopen.

  3. 이상협 reporter

    illuminator license validation error.png

    I enabled all Network Adapter As you said. and displayed the license input box. it's work. but Validation Error has been occurred as screenshot. it seems that firewall's blocking the validation server ip and port.

    How sould i do?

    uploaded another idea.log.

    thank you.

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    The ideal way to solve this is to get it configured for your network. If your network has a proxy server, you'll want to configure IntelliJ IDEA for it under Settings>Appearance & Behavior>System Settings>HTTP Proxy. Note that the licensing software requires a Manual proxy configuration. You cannot use Auto-detect proxy settings. It's also important that your network not perform SSL certificate substitution as that's perceived as a potential man-in-the-middle attack by the licensing software. If that's the case on your network, we'll need to perform an offline license activation. Let me know if you get to that point and I'll walk you through how to do that.

  5. 이상협 reporter

    hmm.. We've already done proxy setting & certification before license validation.

    • Our Network Environment
    1. Office Security Program : force to disable wifi network adapter
    2. Manual Proxy Setting on Intellij
    3. Server Certification on Intellij

    It's also important that your network not perform SSL certificate substitution as that's perceived as a potential man-in-the-middle attack by the licensing software. If that's the case on your network,

    Actually i don't understand. you mean i have to disable a SSL funtion? it's right. i can't do this. Only i can ask the security team to open a verified IP and port for license validation

    Could you tell me how to do an offline license activation?

    now we need to activate 2 licenses include me.

    Thank you.

  6. Scott Wells repo owner

    Sorry. To be clear, some intermediate firewalls and/or proxies replace the server's SSL certificate with their own. These certificates don't validate, and the licensing software will automatically fail if your network does this. If so, you'll either need your security team to add an exception for the SSL certificate for or we'll need to do offline activation. You can perform an offline activation using Build>Illuminated Cloud>Configure Application, then under the About tab you click Offline activation.... An offline activation request will be generated in the form of an XML document which you can email to me at I will then activate the license key and provide an offline activation response in the form of an XML document. You'll paste that into the same dialog used to create the request and the license will be activated.

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