File selection error when applying labels

Issue #712 resolved
Roy Mayfield created an issue

Hello, when I select a metadata folder (i.e. classes) to apply a label, I do so with the intent of removing classes from the label. When I select the classes I want to remove and hit remove, all the files get removed, not just the ones I selected. I am using TFS with a server workspace. This operation works ok if done from Visual Studio or SDK.

I am not sure if this issue applies to IntelliJ, IC, or both. This is a blocker for our IC PoC. Please advise.

Comments (5)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Roy, IC itself doesn't do anything around IntelliJ's version control features. It works with them, but as a peer. There's no direct integration. Have you tried setting up a very simple non-IC project, e.g., Java, to see whether the same behavior is exhibited there. That would be useful so that we can isolate the issue to the TFS VCS provider for IntelliJ or IC. If the problem cannot be reproduced outside of IC, I'll of course be happy to dig in an see why it's happening, but let's try to corner it first.

  2. Roy Mayfield reporter

    Thanks Scott. In case I can repro on Java, do you have the JetBrains/IntelliJ issue tracker address? Thanks, Roy

  3. Roy Mayfield reporter

    In the spirit of efficiency, I wanted to address a related topic. Under current configuration, IC only allows me to use server workpaces. Is this a requirement or is there a way to use local workspace? I am willing to switch to TFS/Git if that is what it takes. We are currently using TFVC since we can associated tickets to IC checkins which is extremely helpful for packaging in SFDC. If I get buy in on IC we could get approved for 20-30 licenses. I have implemented the same patterns in a very rudimentary fashion (describemetadata first, retrieve by context, etc.). You hit it out of the park with the multithreading, very UX. I am trying to reach a point where the only time consuming tasks are the ones we cannot control, namely the 2 methods above.

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    Roy, JetBrains' support portal for IntellIJ IDEA is:

    Regarding your most recent post, I apologize but I'm not sure that I follow. Can you elaborate more? I've used IntelliJ/IC extensively with both Perforce and Git as version control systems housing the metadata for multiple managed packages. I'm not very familiar with TFS or TFVC so perhaps there's some nuance to those systems that is unknown to me.

  5. Scott Wells repo owner

    Issue tracker grooming. If this is still an issue, please feel free to reopen, ideally with a concrete reproduction scenario.

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