Name prefix in packaging org

Issue #724 resolved
Oleg Rikkers created an issue

Not sure if there is a setting in the plugin already, but it would be great to be able to turn off prefix for classes and objects that are part of your managed package in the packaging org. Currently ide recognizes that there is a prefix and all auto complete appends package name, but in the packaging org it is not required and actually recommended against to avoid issues with code...

Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Oleg, IC is specifically designed so that it only adds namespace qualifications when absolutely required. When properly configured it shouldn't add them automatically against the namespace of the current module or against implicit system namespaces such as System or Schema. As an ISV developing multiple managed packages, this feature was critical for me. It sounds to me like you may be missing something in your configuration thereby causing it to add unnecessary local namespace qualifications. Let's check three things that are primarily used by IC to determine when/whether to include qualifications during code completion:

    1. Open Illuminated Cloud>Configure Application, switch to the Connections tab, select your connection, and make sure it shows the correct value for Organization Namespace. If not, click the Test button which will also retrieve and set the organization namespace.
    2. Open Illuminated Cloud>Configure Project and make sure it shows the correct value for Organization Namespace. Note that you can also have it perform automatic translation between an "official namespace" and a "dev namespace" if desired there. This is extremely useful when developing managed packages in a team where each team member works against a DE org with a developer-specific variant of the packaging namespace. I can elaborate more if desired.
    3. If you had to make any changes above, or if you assigned your org namespace since last generating your offline symbol table, regenerate it now because it will have stale information about the namespace for symbols from the org.

    With that in place it shouldn't ever prefix completions with the org namespace when working in code within the same module. If it's doing that, please provide a concrete example of where that's happening so that I can address it as a bug.

  2. Oleg Rikkers reporter

    Thanks Scott.. It looks like I needed to click test again after we added namespace to the dev org.

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