Structure view navigation stops working and/or gets out of sync

Issue #729 resolved
Clio K created an issue

I have the following issues with the structure pane and the navigate to feature.

1 - Create new Apex class 2 - Add a method 3 - Save/deploy

Issue: Structure is not updated to show new method.

1 - Change existing method name 2 - Save/deploy

Issue: Structure is not updated to show new method name.

1 - Add a method 2- Save/deploy

Issue: Structure is not updated to show new method name.

1 - Change the visibility of a method 2 - Save/deploy

Issue: Structure is no longer able to be used to navigate to other methods of the class.

There are other conditions that I have not been able to identify where the structure pane's navigation feature just stops working.

Workaround: Change editor focus to a different editor tab and then back, the structure now works correctly.

Comments (2)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Thanks for filing, Clio. Let me try to reproduce based on the information provided here and I'll let you know if I have any questions.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Issue tracker grooming. If this is still an issue, please feel free to reopen, ideally with a concrete reproduction scenario.

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