Element/Attribute completion cache not cleared after updating plugin

Issue #775 resolved
Doug Ayers created an issue

For example, recently when editing a Visualforce page and specifying attributes on <apex:page> tag the lightningStylesheets attribute did not auto-complete as it does in Developer Console.

Update Nov 4, 2017 Per Scott's recommendation, focused mouse on an attribute of <apex:page> tag then pressed Ctrl+B (Windows) / Cmd+B (Mac) which opened up the XSD for completions. This updated the completions such that when I navigated back to the Visualforce page editor then lightningStylesheets autocompleted as expected.



Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    So this is a side-effect of a behavior in IntelliJ that I haven't been able to circumvent so far. It seems to cache the XSDs I use for element/attribute completions too aggressively. If you move the cursor over any other attribute of a component that does work and pretty Ctrl+B/Cmd+B, it'll open the backing XSD. Once you do that it'll refresh some cache and the changes to that XSD will be available. Try that on anything from the apex namespace and you should see lightningStylesheets work properly.

    I'll post to the JetBrains support forums to see if there's any way I can programatically flush these caches when I update the XSD. Let me know if that doesn't get it working for you, though.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    I'm pretty sure that was (finally!) resolved a couple of builds back thanks to a pointer from JetBrains on how to force their XSD cache to expire when a project is opened.

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